Forget ME Not

Forget ME Not
Forget Me Not

Monday, December 14, 2009

If Not Now, Then When

So when do we get that kick and start huh? When do we say to ourselves-- stop screwing around, you've wasted too much time already, either go or get gone. I procrastinated putting a "blog" up for a long time because I thought to myself, "who would read it". There are millions of blogs out there and millions of reasons why people shouldn't sit at home and read what someone else has to say. The truth is, I was lazy. I decided, ok, get up, clean your face, brush those nasty ass teeth and please... get ready to write.
I've always claimed writing is a passion, and yet, I write very seldom. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, but I cared too much about what others would have to say in response. Afraid of the backlash over simple words, opinions, and ideas. My mother is constantly on me... Are you writing still?
Yes, of course I am... Now I'm getting all pathological.
But to stop myself from putting off any longer I woke up early and picked up this blog. I have things to say and one way or another they will have to get out into the world.
So look out world!!!!!!!!!!

Here I come.

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