Forget ME Not

Forget ME Not
Forget Me Not

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I'm gonna roll off to the side
And close my eyes
I don't wanna argue anymore
You can just pretend you won
Cause that's all that matters to you
My love

There was a time when we used to stop
There was a time when words were enough
But now it seems, there's a war

I'll give in and I'll give up
If we can save some hate for tomorrow
Cause I can't take anymore of it
There's plenty of pain for you to borrow
My eyes are sore, my ears are broke
I don't know how much more I can take
Can't we please just go to sleep my sweet
And we can pick up when we wake

You say you don't wanna do this to me
Then suddenly
You forget you spoke softly at all
Go on and yell at the top of your lungs
As long as in the end
All your madness is done

What do I have to say to make you stop
What else will make you calm enough
Cause now it just seems, you want a war

I'll give in and I'll give up
If we can save some hate for tomorrow
Cause I can't take anymore of it
There's plenty of pain for you to borrow
My eyes are sore, my ears are broke
I don't know how much more I can take
Can't we please just go to sleep my sweet
And we can pick up when we wake

The morning will come
Maybe I'll have the strength to argue back
Would you like that?
Want to see me angry as hell
Want to see me break things in two
Get loud and destroy the wee hours
Want to see me be like you....

I don't why I just take and take
Let's please just go to sleep
Sweety please
We can fall to pieces when we wake

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