Forget ME Not

Forget ME Not
Forget Me Not

Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Losing" Isn't Hard To Master

"Losing" isn't hard to master
If you care or want something bad enough
you can and will lose it
We are never promised the tomorrow's, only the sorrow
It is cold, it is cruel, it is company
Holding your breath doesn't help
Nor does crossing your fingers or wishing
If we love someone enough why is the proof
in letting them go?
Can we pretend to make things better
"Losing" isn't hard to master
It is quick and painless for a moment
But then it is repetitive and heart-wrenching
A little bit of us dies with each goodbye
Warm hearts burnt out for a second
We find other things, other people, to blame
But they don't lose anything
How can they be the source?
The reality is this is the axis making its' move
The reality is we may have to cry alone
"Losing" isn't hard to master
However, within us we are strong
We must not be afraid of loving thyself
Control of destiny, control of "meant to be", Manifest ME
For in these lessons of life, love, and losing
We forget that control of
"Just being happy" isn't hard to master either...


An Amazing Track- totally relating to the poem.
Ingrid Michaelson- So Long

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